Lighting Technology
Out of the Darkness into the light

We rent to trade, professional and experienced users.
Please see below for information on the products we have available.

Par 16 LED Birdies Chrome / Black LED Pinspot, Par 56 LED Chrome RGB Floods, Outdoor LED RGB Ground Row/Battens. 60w Mini Pony Fresnels and Profiles, LED 200 and 300watt Profiles 19°26°36°50°, LED Followspot with Stand 30m throw.. Cob Wash 200 watt RGB wash lights, indoor and outdoor
50 watt LED Floods, MiniMax LED Logo Projectors. Opti Gobo Show, MLT 200w Cob Wash RGBW, Aureol LED 8watt Mini Profiles White. Gantom Micro Precision Gobo Projectors. Micro Spot lights
1.2m LED Tube Enclosed, LED RGB IR Spike Light, Outdoor RGB wireless Lantern, Decorative Festoon c/w 1w LED Lamps, 3w Chrome LED Spike Lights. Cooper 20 watt LED Gobo Projector 300watt LED 4 image Gobo projector, Teclumen Forte 60 watt IP67 Gobo projectors, 30 and 50 watt RGB LED floodlights, Gantom Micro Precision Gobo Projectors.
Opti Gobo Show (gobo/slide projector) Opti LED Effects Projectors, Snow, rain, water and fire ripple projectors
Heavy duty professional outdoor Candle White LED Light curtains 2metres wide, 5metre drop. Indoor and Outdoor light-weight warm white and neutral white various different drops to 5 metres.
LED Connectable Strings blue and white.
Smoke Machines, Hazers, Mirror Balls, and LED Pinspots, RGBAW + UV LED UV LED Battens, LED Strobes, " Marvin" Snowflake projectors
Le Maitre Pyrotechnics.
Christmas Lights, including large decorative snowflakes, and icicles.
We have an extensive range of control systems, from AVO, Chromateq, Studio Due, etc as well as a substantial quantity of Wireless Solutions DMX wireless control, for indoor and outdoor use
We have available high powered RGBW Uplighters
Wireless DMX
Indoor and Outdoor Wireless DMX Receivers and transmitters by Wireless Solutions Sweden

Optikinetics Trilite 100 Triangular Trussing.
Huge selection of junctions, and specials available.
Amazing strength from small truss.
50mm diameter tube circles available, various sizes